Freedom or Equality: The Key to Prosperity Through Social Capitalism

Freedom or Equality: The Key to Prosperity Through Social Capitalism

A straightforward, modern, and understandable approach to our economy that encourages saving, investment, and innovation—leveraging capitalism’s benefits to improve opportunities for everyone rather than a select few.

Capitalism offers greater prosperity and opportunity for everyone, while socialism, unnecessary interventionism, and other choices inevitably fail. But capitalism is quickly falling out of favour with the middle class in the Western world.

Fortunately, it can be fixed.

The next decades will present numerous challenges: exponentially accelerating technology and use of robots, an ageing population, repressive taxation, and the sustainability of education and health care costs—to name just a few. Freedom or Equality addresses those challenges while presenting a fresh examination of Social Capitalism—a moderate option between extreme solutions of all sorts that can deliver superior growth and prosperity worldwide.

2 thoughts on “Freedom or Equality: The Key to Prosperity Through Social Capitalism

  1. In decades gone by, individuals had to work or, face deprivation – even starvation.

    It seems, today, many people do not have to work. Somehow, subsidies allow them to get by.

    Hypothetically exploring, if people were forced, by the end of subsidies, to work again, what employment (mass employment) that might allow people to earn enough to “get by” (as in, say, the 1950s) exists for the common person, not trained in STEM level fields?

  2. C’est vraiment intéressant, une pensée mismésienne à part entière. J’y suis arrivé après avoir travaillé pendant 20 ans dans le milieu de la pré- banqueroute.

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