Tag Archives: Spain

Spain’s 2013 Budget Needs Red Pencil Slash

This article was published in El Confidencial on Sept 29th 2012

“Deficits mean future tax increases, and politicians who create deficits are tax hikers”, Ron Paul

Spanish 10 year bond yields remain stubbornly at 5.85% while spreads widened to 450 basis points after the announcement of a budget that provides more questions than answers.This week El Confidencial published that the Spanish Government restated the 2011 budget deficit from 8.6% to 9.44% and 2012 could slip to 7.4% from the current 6.3% target. We talk constantly of regaining market confidence, but such confidence is not going to come with constant budget revisions. It will be achieved with better than expected numbers. This is the reason why I am concerned about optimistic assumptions in the budget and aggressive tax increases added to generosity in maintaining a bloated state. I mentioned a few months ago that Spain needs to apply the red pencil throughout a bloated state that spends, even in alleged “austerity times” the same funds as in the peak of the housing bubble (see here).

Spain will have to borrow around 200bn euro in 2013. That is 567 million euro per day.

The 2013 Budget is a step, but an insufficient one

Spain’s Economy Minister, Mr Montoro, said that “it is impossible that Spain has lost 70 billion euro in revenues only due to the crisis.” With the number of companies in business falling from 155,000 to 135,000, the real estate bubble bursting from 650,000 homes built per year to 150,000, the collapse of the industrial activity of 2% per annum and the rise in unemployment to 24%, I think it is admirable that revenues have only fallen by 70 bn euro.

While economic measures focus in recovering lost revenues of the housing bubble that will not return, the investor perceives that Spain could forget about the medium-term risks of a predatory fiscal policy.

Voracity in tax collection with possible impact in the medium term
Almost half of the budget adjustment is, again, tax increases that reduce consumption,weaken the economy and prevent companies from creating jobs.

In a recent analysis, JP Morgan warned about a few key aspects: loss of deposits, industrial decline, poor profit margins and stagflation. The loss of deposits is less than what is estimated in the press, announcing almost 120 billion, but we should never underestimate 30 billion as “irrelevant”.

However, in Spain between 1500-2000 companies file for bankruptcy each quarter. In addition, the CPI soars to 3.5% when GDP decreases 1%. This risk of “stagflation” -inflation with recession- can be very dangerous for the economy. All this happens in an environment where profit margins have decreased to make many of the large companies and SMEs generate margins below cost of capital. The economy remains extremely rigid and tax increases are reflected in the prices immediately. Adding an unemployment rate of 24% to the equation creates a difficult horizon for recovery.

While the general government deficit remains a concern, we must also highlight the positive , and in July there was a current account surplus of 500 million euro. This is important because, if confirmed as sustainable, it implies that Spain reduces its external financial dependence .

We must appreciate it, but we must not forget that it is, in part, the result of the inability to continue to import due to falling industrial demand. Spain is still not competitive and structural reforms must stem the drain on companies, rigidity and erosion of profit margins inflicted by aggressive tax increases.

If companies are not created, if SMEs do not generate profits, then banks do not finance, debt increases, tax revenues collapse … and deteriorated companies do not hire…and the unemployed do not consume.

If we prevent businesses and citizens from becoming richer, we impoverish the country 

Goldman Sachs called the 2013 budget “Running to Stand Still” referring to the U2 song about drug addiction. The market is concerned about optimistic tax revenue expectations (+4.4%) and estimates of increase in social security contributions that are inconsistent with the government’s own estimates of unemployment increase. The market sees a high risk of seeing expenses rise above estimates and revenues fall short of target.

For example, sensitivity to two items is enormous. If VAT revenues do not increase by 13%, as budgeted, and they will very likely not increase due to loss of consumption, then the government’s estimates of tax revenue growth would fall to almost zero.

If transfers to regional governments continue in 2013, something which is quite likely given the regions’ troubled situation, that means another 12 to 16 billion of additional spending.

In terms of budget targets, it appears that the government has fallen into the same trap of previous governments. To provide estimates of GDP growth (-0.5%) that few analysts consider as conservative. The consensus range for 2013 is between -1.2% and -2%. Should the government not have taken the opportunity to build trust giving estimates in line with the consensus of economists and then beat expectations? Beating estimates is essential to regain market confidence.

The goal should be maximum expenditure, not “deficit as a percentage of GDP”

To avoid suspicions on revenue estimates, the state should give a maximum target of spending and put up remedial measures every time such goal was surpassed. If the target is “deficit to GDP”, it masks poor budget execution with ratios that can be manipulated.

Austerity? Where?

What I think is most important to note is that these budgets, as those of 2012, cannot be described as austere. Public spending rises by 5.6%. Yet I hear over and over that the problem is “the cost of debt” … as if the cost of debt was an alien who came down in a UFO surprising the population. As if such cost of debt is not the result of massive public spending.

But even if we deduct the cost of debt, primary expenditure falls only by 0.6%. This is before the regional communities publish their expenses and before any deviation due to bank bailouts or “unexpected” one-offs.

This is not austerity, it is, at best, a slight budgetary restraint
I do not know of any family that comments about their budget “we are doing okay if we remove the cost of the mortgage.” The Spanish budget does not show real cuts, just very slight revisions of previous years’ overspending.

We should highlight it because there is a huge difference between austerity and “less overspend”. Spain will keep spending, including all administrations, almost 20% more than it earns, and will also spend more than it earns without the cost of debt, leading to having to borrow around 200bn a year.

The difference between the “red pencil” and the “Troika axe”

As Art Laffer said, “give me a red pencil and the budget and I will reduce the deficit to zero in a week”. The reduction of debt, not the deficit, is the only solution. And that will come only from cutting spending. Or the Troika will do it for us, but they will do it unfairly and badly.

It is important to repeat that the State and the regions should reduce absolute expenses much more severely, that the state cannot be 56% of the economy, including all public enterprises and that Spain cannot spend 20-25% more than it collects as revenues.

There must be serious cuts in political spending. The presidents of regional governments or ministers cannot have more counsellors-each-than David Cameron.

The Spanish fiscal consolidation process will not be credible unless it structurally reduces the largest expenditure items.

The red pencil. The State can immediately attack four items:

  • Public salaries , a spending of over 100 billion. We have higher public wage expense per GDP than the EU average but a number of civil servants per citizen that is less than the EU average (Eurostat). What is the problem? Too many bosses and too little workers.
  • Consultants and duplicated administrations, which, according to the Association of Businessmen and the PP when it was in opposition, cost more than 22 billion euros. Even if it was half it would be too much.
  • Unproductive investments : In the central government budget of 2012, direct investment in infrastructure- useless high speed trains, ghost “culture and arts” cities and others- amount to 11 billion. According to the latest Stability Program, the gross fixed capital formation, which includes more than infrastructure, was 2.8% of GDP in 2011, and another 1.0 to 1.2% is expected in 2012 and 2013.
  • Subsidies: The amount in 2011 was 11.3 billion and, even in 2012 and 2013, subsidies are expected to exceed 0.8% of GDP. If we add transfers and ministries, we easily reach 15 billion.

Of course, dozens of public television networks, hundreds of public radios… If we attack subsidies and administrative duplication Spain can avoid the “axe” that will come with the bailout, which will look at the expenditure items of over 30 billion and sever them, no matter who is affected and how. Those who call for an immediate bailout request tend to forget what comes with it:

  1. Pensions, a cost of over 100 billion. They may have very significant cuts.
  2. Unemployment benefits, which generate a cost of c30 billion.
  3. Dismissal of civil servants. Not pay cuts, dismissals.

The impact on companies

The Spanish budget impact on companies is not irrelevant. In a very interesting analysis, Ahorro Corporacion shows the companies that are most exposed to Spain (in blue) and exposed to civil works, capital-intensive activities (in gray).


The impact of the Budget, if we assume that the fall in GDP is only 1%, ranges between 5 and 7% of net profits. Less revenue from income tax, less growth, fewer jobs.

These budgets should have aimed at reducing Spain bond yields. They didn’t.

We know that the country risk will not be reduced if revenue estimates are revised down, spending items are revised up, and debt accumulates with a state structure that survives with short term emergency loans from the ECB without any control of how and when they are granted. Spain runs the risk that the system is not only tax-ridden and confiscatory, but insolvent … and investors, financial or industrial, might think that such risk is too high to invest.

From Bloomberg:

As per the Ministry’s budget statement, Spain plans to borrow €207.2bn next year. Budget Minister Cristobal Montoro said Spain’s debt will widen to 90.5% of GDP in 2013 as the state absorbs the cost of bailing out its banks, the power system, and euro-region partners Greece, Ireland, and Portugal. He added Spain’s budget deficit target of 6.3% will be met because it can exclude the cost of the bank rescue. This year’s budget deficit will be 7.4% of economic output.

Further read:

False austerity in the budget: Here

The situation of Spanish companies worsens: Here

First semester data: Here

Catalonia: bailout and junk bond

This article was published in El Confidencial on September 1st 2012

“When you blame others, you give up your power to change”
“A sense of entitlement is a cancerous thought process that is void of gratitude and can be deadly to relationships, businesses, and even nations.” Steve Maraboli

On Friday, Standard & Poor’s downgraded the rating of Catalonia to junk after the region made a bailout request to the Spanish central government of €5bn. S&P warned in its report of the “economic and credit deterioration of the region,” and added that “the region’s request to modify key institutional and financial aspects of its relationship with the central government raises uncertainties that we deem incompatible with an investment-grade rating.”

The report also warns that “Catalonia continues to show a poor individual credit profile, with a deteriorating liquidity position dependent on the support of the central government to repay its debt.”

The bailout of Catalonia has generated much controversy in the market, but it’s worth saying that my comments in this article are applicable to most of the regions in Spain.

Despite the huge amount of communication efforts towards investors conducted by the different regions, all with ‘more GDP than Luxembourg and less debt than Japan,’ all considering themselves entitled to borrow indefinitely, the fact is that regions have no access to capital markets. And this shows how, all across Europe, countries and regions continue to believe that credit is free, investor money is unlimited and deserved without questions. And there is no unlimited capital.

The excellent presentation to investors that the Catalan government, theGeneralitat, made in 2011, very complete and detailed, shows some of the common problems that Spain and the regions face, and the reason why investor confidence and interest are still low.

. Estimates that were very optimistic: “Our revenues cannot fall.” “In 2012, with very conservative estimates, revenues will increase by 10.5 percent.”

. A debt maturity schedule that implies annual needs of €3bn added to the current financing needs of nearly €9bn. Added to that, the habit of financing current expenditures with long term debt and weakening future revenues, as Catalonia has received advances on transfers of more than €10bn until June 2012 – advances spent today that will not be collected later.

. The average maturity of the Catalan debt is six years. More than 71 percent of its debt matures between two and five years. I always tell my readers of the importance of not accumulating short-term maturities in good times as risks accelerate exponentially in times of recession. Accumulation of maturities well above marginal institutional demand is a problem throughout the European periphery coming from the misperception that “there is plenty of available demand” in the credit market for all, when the United States and major countries account for nearly all of the debt market capacity.

. Expectations of international funding sources were not met and have only been partially covered by local retail investors.

. A primary deficit – the gap between income and expenses excluding cost of debt – which has done nothing but grow.
. The estimates that Catalonia provides of fiscal deficit – the difference between tax revenues received from Spain and paid out – which, even if we assume it to be valid, does not cover the hole of growing expenses. The problem is, therefore, the accumulation of previous debt and expenses and that, in any case, investors perceive the fiscal deficit figure as exaggerated, because it assumes no cost for Catalonia of EU transfers or value-added taxes to other regions. In addition, from 2007 to 2011, state tax collection in Catalonia plunged by 35 percent, while subsidies and allowances paid by the central government to Catalonia increased.. The estimates given of the Catalan economy forget the CatalunyaCaixa andUnnim bailouts (€2.3bn), which are not accounted as a cost incurred by the region.

The real problem, however – the reason why investors do not rush to buy Catalan bonds that give a return of nearly 12 percent in 2016 – is that it has been proven since 2004 that any increase in revenues is engulfed by the regional administration and as such, the risk of default is higher than implied by companies and the region’s financier, the Spanish central government or Germany.

I heard this a few times from colleague credit investors: “a country that doubles its expenses in four years while its revenues fall, either has oil, or gold, or it does not have my money.”

The 10-year-Catalonia bond has a risk premium –spread– to Spain of almost 600 basis points and 1,100 basis points over Germany. This difference is not because of Catalonia’s dependency on Spain, or the alleged fiscal deficit. It is caused by the massive deterioration of expenditure and revenues, and the accumulation of debt maturities far beyond institutional demand. And it is important to say this, Catalonia is one of the regions with better credit structure. So, imagine the rest.

In fact, if investors perceived the massive spread between Spain and Catalan bonds as unjustified by the fundamentals, they would take the arbitrage opportunity and load up in Catalan bonds. Any credit arb hedge fund would buy them in size. But they don’t.

Now the blame game heats up. Spain blames Germany, Catalonia blames Madrid, Andalusia blames the banks, etc. Meanwhile, with on-going downward revisions of the gross domestic product and failures in budget implementation, governments continue to believe in the mantra of eternal credit ‘because we deserve it,’ sinking the ship with the crew and passengers inside.

In the Spanish regions and the central government, each euro received of additional income, either through taxes or transfers and structural funds since 2004, has become inexorably a euro and ten cents of debt. Looking at the Spanish regions, all the money received has been spent, but all of them have expanded primary deficit as well. In 1993, the regions managed 20.1 percent of the country’s budget, today they manage nearly 60 percent, yet all of them spend far beyond their means and income, regardless of their business and economic differences. Here in Spain there is no poor state. No Alabama. We are the United States where everyone is Washington or California.

This leads us to a comment made ​​by my esteemed Xavier Sala i Martin, Spanish-American economist at Columbia University, who says that the problem of access to debt markets for companies is mainly because they are Spanish, and that if Catalonia were an independent country “it would be considered one of the world’s healthiest economies and financial markets would rush to lend it money.”

In this post, I am joined by my fixed income colleague to give readers an idea of ​​how the debt markets work, because it is false that the main indicators to buy bonds are just debt to GDP and deficit, and I remember the comments from one of the British investors when the premier of the Generalitat made the presentation of its bonds in London. “If Catalonia was an independent country it would have the same access to credit as Andorra,” he said.

But even more surprising to me, as an investor in equities and bonds, is to read that “financial markets would rush to lend money” to an independent Catalonia. That is not true, as we have seen from country after country that declared themselves independent, from Yugoslavia to the former Soviet Union. Either they have abundant energy commodities or credit evaporates until they have gained years of experience as independent states. Estonia, the example for independence movements, only saw some modest short-term credit because Germany broke the treaty rules and recognized the country quickly. Even with that, credit was modest and GDP collapsed by 14 percent in 2009 and 9 percent in 2010.

When investing in bonds – debt to GDP, which is an indicator, inflated precisely by government spending and real estate bubbles – is irrelevant. What matters is the institutional credibility, the acceleration of expenditure against income, the quality and predictability of that income, the weight of public spending, monetary stability and the primary deficit or surplus.

We assume that Catalonia has institutional credibility, but:

. An independent Catalonia would be an economy that depends by 57 percent on Spain for its “exports.” In fact, since the trade balance with “non-Spanish” countries is negative (Catalonia imports more than it exports), Catalonia’s exposure to “Spain” would remain the same if not higher, particularly on the risk of the bonds of the alleged independent Catalonia. The cost of belonging to the EU, however, which Catalonia does not pay today as a region, would expand its deficit. Add to this that an independent Catalonia would have to absorb 18 percent of Spain’s national debt on the way out, and Catalonia would have debt to GDP higher than 100 percent. In a Spanish recession, the independent Catalonia bonds would also aggressively discount that same recession.

That’s why, despite the huge attractions and exceptional positive elements of Catalonia – dynamic, open economy – the investors perceive as the biggest problem the structure of a state that swallows any extra income received as it has done since 1996, making the solvency and liquidity ratios very tight, and this will continue to impact their access to credit. In fact, it is precisely the liquidity ratio, even assuming the previously mentioned tax deficits, which scares investors. Because the deterioration of income – with the deindustrialization of the region into more competitive and less bureaucratic countries, like Morocco – is accompanied by expenditures which can only rise, and do not take into account that the economy of Catalonia is very cyclical.

We end with a note on the “negative impact of being Spanish” to finance large companies. Sala i Martin says that ”the reason (for not having access to credit) has nothing to do with the sector in which they operate or the state of their economic health. The reason is simply that they are Spanish companies.”

First, we have seen debt issues, divestitures and hybrid access by several of these companies (Gas Natural, BBVA, Telefonica and other Spanish companies have issued €7.05bn in bonds with over 10 times demand in 2012), and all are trading at less risk of default than Spain or Catalonia. What we have said in this column many times is the real problem. The average debt of the Ibex is very high relative to its peers due to the orgy of strategic acquisitions at crazy multiples, but we have seen companies do an exercise that neither regions nor the central government have done. Prudence. Aggressively reducing costs, cutting unnecessary investments, cutting dividends, funding themselves long term since 2007 to avoid the “credit crunch.” That is, the opposite of what the governments have done. Companies have been preserving cash generation as an essential policy against an uncertain future, both in its core business as in its “growth markets.”

Surprisingly, Sala i Martin takes as an example of the ‘bad influence of the Spanish state’ three companies with almost monopolistic businesses in national services, telephone, natural gas, and construction-concessions. Great companies which have financed their international expansion with a lot of debt that they have been able to accumulate thanks to very high returns generated in Spain, which allowed them to enjoy better growth than their peers in the past, with full access to borrowing that could not have been there without the support of those domestic revenues and without a Spanish government that supported high risk cost strategic adventures.

No company is Spanish only for the good times and not for the bad times. These large companies, which enjoy a very comfortable monopolistic position in our country, do not suffer lack of credit “for being Spanish.” This is like saying that France Telecom, Veolia, EDP, Telecom Italia or Areva suffer lack of access to credit for being French, Portuguese or Italian rather than their strategic mistakes of expansion with debt.

Catalonia is wonderful and deserves all the good things that can happen there and more, and it is worth a bailout, or twenty, if needed. Spain has regions-nations – whatever you want to call them – with wonderful, huge possibilities. The problem was, and remains, having an unsustainable structure of administrations that absorb any extra income they get. Everyone has the right to claim independence for romantic reasons, or whatever, but we cannot say that the markets would be jumping to provide credit. In five years we would see Barcelona wanting to cut ties with Lleida or Madrid with Guadalajara, until the final implosion of a country with a level of public spending crowding out the real economy that looks like Argentina.

In Spain today, there is a golden opportunity to change, and to unite the country in the solution, not separate ourselves in the debacle. But let’s not blame the other. The solution is in our hands.


Here is Mr Sala i Martin’s original article and his reply to my post above

On fiscal deficits. here is the contrarian view to Catalonia’s government one.

Massive Subsidies Endanger Spanish Energy Reform

This article was published in El Confidencial on August 27th 2012 

“If technologies have economic merit, no subsidy is necessary. If they don’t, no subsidy will provide it”. Jerry Taylor.
“Governmental subsidy systems promote inefficiency in production and efficiency in coercion”. M. Rothbard

This week the press has highlighted the discrepancies between two of Spain’s top ministers regarding the much delayed electricity sector reform. The shares of many of the companies involved have moved between +7% and -6% depending on the words of one minister or another.
Let me begin by saying that I do not find anything wrong when a company hires a consultant to defend its interests and that, when they do, they do it with the best. And I believe this controversy creates a great opportunity for the government to demonstrate that their decisions are not influenced by one lobby or another, but focused on the only thing that matters: that Spain cannot continue destroying its competitiveness with a massively subsidized and inefficient energy sector, where the electricity bill has soared by 40% while demand fell and where excessive renewable subsidies count for 39% of the costs (excluding energy component) of the system.
renewables II
To eliminate the tariff deficit accumulated until 2012; electricity bills will have to go up by an estimated 35%.
The Spanish tariff deficit is the difference between the real system costs and those recognized in the tariff, where the result is an IOU from the government that is financed in the balance sheet of the companies until it is settled. This tariff deficit is part of the infamous “Spanish private debt,” which is in no small part made of outstanding commitments from the government and funded by the balance sheet of private companies. It is also the consequence of a highly optimistic central planning of the system that incentivised overcapacity and massive new build that has made companies more indebted, with or without acquisitions, and less and less profitable.
renewables I
The tariff deficit myths are:
“Companies make billions out of it” We must differentiate between accounted and real profits. We sometimes forget that companies account for the tariff deficit as a “receivable” so their profit and loss is not made of real cash. As such they generate no free cash flow and borrow more and more. Investments in Spain, from generation to distribution, generate less than 7% return on capital employed. However, companies are told by governments to undertake massive investments, but without legal certainty or acceptable returns. And there is always someone willing to build more for less.
–  “It is a temporary problem that goes away with the latest measures.” The latest government measures to reduce the costs of the system seem to look to collect from the efficient and cash generating businesses to cover inefficiency errors, but these measures do not solve a problem of subsidies and overcapacity, as they have been mainly applied on one-off costs, with a maximum impact of 2 billion euros, yet they do not take into account that in 2013 renewables subsidies will rise by another 2 billion to almost 9 billion a year in 2014 due to the plants that are coming on stream, bringing the tariff deficit up again.
–  “Renewables are unfairly demonized.” This is true, in part. The tariff deficit is not an issue created by renewable energy, but by the excessive cost of certain subsidies-particularly solar photovoltaic- where massive premiums were given to build 400 megawatts, ending with 3000 megawatts built – the consequences of an extremely generous aid system and a poorly controlled approval system, where all regional governments gave permits to plants regardless of the 400MW limit. But who pays that “tiny” 5 billion per annum mistake?. No one has anything against renewable energy. I love to read that Spain will build nearly 600 megawatts in solar PV without subsidies. The problem in Spain is the accumulated upfront cost of those subsidies, the fact that the excess cost is not paid but deferred in the tariff, and the claim from some operators to continue with the same scheme of subsidies and installations when all 2020 targets have been fully met. Many renewable companies in Spain have followed a model of builder-developer entering a country, and maximizing capacity to move on and grow in others. But there is no eternal growth in each market.
“Coal generates no deficit because it is a social cost.” Other subsidies maintain inefficient capacity alive, like coal, which gets 600 million a year. If the rationale to keep coal is “social” it should not accumulate costs to the power bill, but be paid by the regional governments like healthcare or social services. The problem is the habit of subsidizing outdated technologies while building up the deficit that is generated by other new technologies.
–   “The renewable subsidies are offset by the fall in wholesale prices.” The cumulative net reduction in wholesale power prices between 2005 and 2011 was less than 9.2 billion euros, according APPA- while accumulated subsidies to renewable energies shot to 25 billion in the same period. In any case, talking about the benefits of renewable energy on price is almost comical when the power tariff to consumers has risen almost 40% in four years.
–   “The tariff deficit is created by the manipulation of wholesale price by large utilities”. It would be the most disastrous manipulation ever, when wholesale prices have remained exactly in line with the energy mix, below Italy’s, France’s and Britain’s, and in line with Germany.
renewables III
–  “Nuclear and hydro should pay the deficit.” They do, but it makes no sense to use cheap sources of energy to subsidize more expensive ones. And let’s not forget the string of regional and national taxes that traditional utilities suffer.
–   “If nuclear capacity is shut down, there would be no overcapacity.” Sure, and if EDF and France dismantle their 58 nuclear reactors, there would not be any overcapacity there either. And if Saudi Arabia closes Ghwar and Khursaniyah there is no oversupply of oil. We have to take advantage of technologies that are cheap while they work, and work well, because we need cheap, non-interruptible power. We forget that solar and wind are interruptible and cannot be installed exponentially because the land occupied by megawatt is finite. And the cost of adding a network connection is not properly taken into account.
renewables IV
What has led to this problem? 
An optimistic central planning based on demand expectations -2% pa growth- which were completely unjustified, an increase of generation capacity and infrastructure -25 000 megawatts of additional capacity in gas and 35,000 megawatts of renewable- and the joy of subsidies to every technology without control –renewables, coal subsidies, capacity payments, island grants…
As subsidies mounted over each other, capacity rose and demand collapsed, we find a power system in which the annual costs -guaranteed by the state- exceed revenues by c4 billion euros … and regulation has always been modified to tax the efficient to subsidize not only “nascent” technologies, but also “dying” ones.
The solution
The solution to this issue will have to be a compromise between the industry, the entire sector-traditional and renewable-, the State and the consumer, and cancel future subsidies in all technologies. From the existing deficit, part will have to be absorbed by the energy sector, the state-responsible for the optimistic planning- and consumers, who wildly applauded the green economy and coal-mining subsidies without knowing its costs.
The German model is simple: subsidies are paid 100% by retail consumers, so people know the true costs of green energy – and 70% strongly agree- while industries, many highly energy intensive as BASF or BMW, do not pay the cost of those subsidies. Therefore, competitiveness does not sink and the country doesn’t suffer from industries closing down due to excessive power costs. Additionally, unnecessary capacity is removed, while inefficient companies go bankrupt, as they should.
The American model is interesting. Investors are given tax incentives, not direct subsidies, for renewable projects. Thus, if there is no investor interest or projects are not economically viable, the system will be reducing unnecessary capacity by the law of supply and demand and, of course, if a company has to file for bankruptcy, it does.
Spain needs to be absolutely clear in its power sector regulation, guarantee legal certainty and avoid changing rules retroactively to solve past mistakes. But the consumer cannot support all costs if everything is subsidized and if there are no market mechanisms that enable cheaper and more efficient technologies to displace the expensive inefficient ones. Our excellent renewable companies are competing exceptionally well in the previously mentioned international models. So let’s not ask at home what we don’t need abroad.
Seizing revenues from the efficient to give it to the inefficient does not help. More importantly, a couple of years later the need for revenues will make the inefficient of today suffer as well.
I commented a few months ago in my article “the problem of fixing the price of power in government offices and not in markets” that Governments and some companies do not like to liberalize. They live very well asking and giving favours while the bill is either not paid or sent to the consumer. Amazingly, while governments see power costs soar, they are surprised to see that the country’s industries close down and that demand falls.
Mistakes in planning –always from excess, of course- have led to a power sector overcapacity that has many similarities to the housing bubble. The generation fleet overcapacity in Spain is enough to cover demand for years. Let us use this opportunity to end the current tariff deficit through market mechanisms.

Markets expect a full Spanish bailout

(This article was published in El Confidencial on July 23rd 2012)”Defeat? I do not know the word”. Margaret Thatcher.Here come the shorts. It was obvious. Everyone prepared for a dose of QE from the Fed and the ECB, and when it didn’t happen, on Friday 75% of orders were better to sell.

Spain moves closer to a full bailout. Congratulations, we did it. Years of nonsense saying “we don’t have a problem of public debt” and “we have less debt to GDP than Japan” while our ability to repay was destroyed with wasted money on phantom airports, irrelevant statues, and high-speed trains with no passengers. The Ibex 35 plummets; no one invests in our bonds and the spread to the Bund rockets to 610 basis points. But do not think everything is discounted and that a bailout will be positive.

“There is no money”

The Spanish government in 2011 had fiscal revenues of 377 billion euro, about 7 billion more than in 2009. That means that in the middle of the crisis, with tens of thousands of businesses closing and unemployment rampant, revenues not only remained at a monstrous 37% of GDP, but increased. I estimate revenue of 385 billion in 2012. In other words, there is plenty of money. And there is liquidity, with hundreds of billions provided by the ECB. The only thing where there is no more money for is the public spending bubble, which has soared to 470 billion.

The recent demonstrations, which are perfectly legitimate, must take into account this problem. Today’s cuts come from past excesses.

It is amazing to see that citizens throughout the entire EU seem to presume “good intentions” to those rulers that bankrupted countries through reckless spending, but accuse of “bad faith” to those that deal with paying the bills and cleaning the accounts. The widespread perception that money is free, that spending is good and saving is bad.

Slash political spending now
Maybe it’s a matter of perspective. Arthur Laffer said that he would reduce the deficit in one hour. I am more conservative. Give me the Spanish budget and a red pencil, and I will reduce the deficit to zero within a week. I accept getting paid in government bonds.
What terrifies me is that everyone in Spain seems to have given up and just looks for excuses. It is irresponsible to dismiss as alarmists those who alert of the gravity of our problems. In fact, those who continue to say that “we are on track”, “we need more time” and thinking that this crisis is temporary are doing a huge disservice to the country. The VAT and tax increases will not be “absorbed by companies without affecting consumption” because corporate margins are at bear minimums, and we saw that consumption does fall as in 2010 with the previous VAT increases.

Has Spain given up?
The market does not “put pressure on Spain.” Investors do not buy because the risk of default is too high. Just look at the number of contracts traded on Spanish debt. Less than 40% compared to historical levels.

From a market perspective, there are three issues that concern me tremendously, issues that differentiate us from Italy, and unfortunately place us in the same risk as Greece or Portugal, but with a much larger corporate debt:

-Spanish governments always focus their economic measures on revenues (taxes). 61% of the measures adopted so far are expected increases in fiscal revenues.

The cuts are not real cuts, but slowdown of the increase in spending. I read that the changes in the implementation of the Dependency Law “will allow a slowdown in cost increases estimated at about 3 billion euro”. I repeat, “a slowdown in expenditure growth”. Not cuts.

-Even with the new measures deficit is set to be around 6.5% in 2012, and the government continues to listen to advisers who say that everything will improve next year, as exports will help the economy and they need time to carry out reforms. It’s not true. The economy will not improve in 2013, nor will Spain export enough to cover the structural primary deficit- a key difference with Italy. And no, we have no time.

The perception that this is a temporary issue that can be sorted out increasing revenues is a huge mistake similar to that made by those who said in 2009 that “the worst of the crisis is over.”

¿Full bailout? No thanks. The example of Greece, Portugal and Ireland
We have seen this week a disastrous debt auction which, at the close of this article, has put the 10-year bond touching 7.2% and the spread to the Bund at 610 basis points. And I hear voices crying out for a full bailout and the ECB buying bonds as a great idea.

However, a full bailout does not involve anything positive. Do not expect an intervention to dismantle the bloated regional governments or to encroach on political spending. Moody’s had doubts on Thursday that Spain has any real chance of taking harsh measures on the regions. In fact, the Budgetary Stability Law itself establishes “hard” corrective measures that involve publishing a report and s written warning to the President of the region. Hardly agressive.

Intervention? Once the 10-year bond is up to 7% …
Unfortunately, the bailout process – including the “placebo” effect of useless massive purchases of bonds by the ECB- neither solves the crisis, nor calms markets, nor lowers bond yields unless the economy returns to competitiveness and political spending is slashed. Interestingly, political spending was not touched at all either in Portugal or Greece.

Greece and Ireland acted immediately and asked for a bail-out. Portugal took over five months to officially request one. In all three cases, the ten-year bond soared to 8 to 8.5% when the bailout was requested.

2012072194grafico1But once the bailout was in place, ten-year bonds just kept rising and the rating agencies downgraded the three countries to junk status. None of the countri

The few debt issues in Portugal and Greece were meagre 3-6 month paper, and Ireland was only able to return to the market almost two years after the bailout also with short-term paper, and that was after cleaning aggressively its banking system. The Portuguese 10-year bond is today at 10%, and the Irish is still at 6.3%.
es had access to the credit market.

The time from applying for pre-bailout to downgrade to junk bond lasted between four and ten months for the three countries mentioned. Today, none of the bailed-out countries has seen a recovery of credit to the real economy.

Stocks are not discounting a bail-out
There are no “defensive” stocks with “exposure to emerging markets” and “low PE” when a country is bailed-out. Stock markets in Portugal and Greece fell by 44% and 65% respectively, a collapse almost as large as the pre-bailout fall. And we must bear in mind that, despite the poor performance of its stock market year-to-date, Spanish companies are still highly leveraged, a 200% of GDP in private debt, which comes in many cases from IOUs of the state for unpaid invoices.

The effect of a bailout for Spanish companies could be much higher than in Portugal or Ireland because of the huge refinancing needs in 2014, accounting for almost 35% of all corporate bond issues in Europe in said year. Without access to credit markets, companies would be forced to do more asset sales, dividend cuts and dismissals.

And watch out for the “positive example of Ireland.” The Irish Stock Exchange is the only one that has “recovered” because its index is mostly comprised of net exporters with low debt, no utilities and hardly any listed bank (less than 3% of the index), ie almost no companies subject to the intervention of the State. And despite this, the index collapsed.

Bail-out means massive cuts
Do we want the ECB to buy Spanish debt? More “pretend and extend”. Pack and disguise. We did not learn from the past and the subprime crisis.

2012072178grafico2What has been the benefit so far of the massive purchases of Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and Greek bonds than loading the ECB with losses of 56 billion?, Nothing else but making the ECB the most indebted central bank … and no positive effect either on bond yields or the economy of the countries. “Watering the wine” to make it appear that there is more quantity in the barrel.

Want a full bailout? Not if we look at the example of our comparable countries. If you think that what we have now in Spain is “austerity”, when there is at best a modest adjustment, a full-scale rescue implies all social costs are axed. Severe cuts in pensions and the number of civil servants, raising the retirement age, much higher tax hikes and a collapse in GDP of between 3% and 3.5%. Do not forget that Ireland, the “good example”, suffered a fall in GDP of 7% in a year.

Internal bailout
What Spain needs is an internal bailout. If the government is right and there is “no money” and there is a national emergency then they have to be consistent and cancel the aid to banks, imposing debt to equity swaps to its debtors, cancel all subsidies and grants provided by the government (close to 14 billion a year), close all duplicative councils and pay politicians 50% of their salary in government bonds. Curtail spending now. Immediately.

I do not want a bailout because we do not need it if we cut spending. I do not want the ECB infected with Spanish bonds in exchange for giving away sovereignty because we can show that investing in Spanish debt is a good idea if we adapt expenses to income and stop calling for default and “odious debt”.

Spain can solve its problem, which was and is excessive spending. And then we will see the huge positive qualities of the Spanish economy, with excellent companies that can continue to export and can create jobs if we lower taxes and attract capital, not if we throw investments away.

We must not surrender Spain to the lenders. The ECB and the troika do not rescue, they do not support, and they do not donate. They lend in exchange for much larger cuts. And it doesn’t work, it only impoverishes. It has been proven by previous bailouts and all interventions of the IMF since 1978.

The red pencil to slash unnecessary spending is needed now. I provide the pencil if needed.